WordPress Plugins for WP Maintenance

Here are some of the best WordPress Plugins that we suggest for users:

1. BackupBuddy: For WordPress complete and database backups. 

URL: https://ithemes.com/purchase/backupbuddy/

2. Security Pro: For complete security of your WordPress Website.

URL: https://ithemes.com/security/

3. Convert Pro: For Email optin and Lead generation.

URL: https://www.convertpro.net/

4. Schema Pro: For Complete schema markup.

URL: https://wpschema.com/

5. Client Portal: For one stop client portal solutions.

URL: https://client-portal.io/

6. WP Subscribe Pro: For all Optin Forms and Subscriptions management.

URL: https://mythemeshop.com/plugins/wp-subscribe-pro/

7. WP Mega Menu: For beautiful and customized mega menu.

URL: https://mythemeshop.com/plugins/wp-mega-menu/

8. Elementor Add-ons: For Complete and Ultimate Elementor Add-ons for Beautiful WP Websites.

URL: https://uaelementor.com/

9. Beaver Builder Add-ons: For Ultimate Beaver Builder Add-ons.

URL: https://www.ultimatebeaver.com/

10. Short Poxel: For Image Optimization

URL: https://shortpixel.com/

11. PopNetMedia - Plugins for multiple marketing, lead gen, memberships and more.

URL: https://www.popnetmedia.com/mega-bundle/

12. Micro Themer - Best ever plugin for CSS editing.

URL: https://themeover.com/

13. Essential Addons for Elementor

URL: https://essential-addons.com/elementor/

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